Christmas at the Movies Part 1: Joy

On Sunday 1st December, we began our Christmas at the Movies series.. You can listen to the talk by clicking here.

Once you have listened, here are some questions to consider:

1. Webster dictionary defines joy as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” But another writer says this “Joy and happiness are wonderful feelings to experience but are very different… Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally. It comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are”. Which rings most true to you and why?

2. If Joy is cultivated from within and more consistent than happiness how can it be cultivated?

3. Read Luke Chapter 2 Verses 8-10 here. The message of the Angels is a message of Joy for all the people. They then told the shepherds how to find Jesus. This tells us that Jesus is the source of true Joy. How can this be?

4. If real inner joy comes from knowing who we are why we are and how we are, what is it that Jesus brings to our understanding of these things?

5. Do we believe who why and how we are in our heart of hearts? If not what would help us?

6. Jesus experienced true joy in very difficult circumstances. What can we learn from him that would help us to experience such joy in any and all circumstances?

7. The joy rooted in Jesus is rooted in the truth of: Who you are; God’s child, why you are; Created out of love and how you are; made new in love and that we have a future with him. What can this knowledge do to affect our emotions and resilience?

8. In the film; Buddy doesn’t know about his father and is overjoyed to find out? Do you know people that are like him? If so what are you doing about it?

9. Having looked at this what do you need to do in response?

Steph Littlejohn, 02/12/2019