Embodied: Part 1 - 'Recovery'
This Sunday, Simon Lace brings us the talk in the latest of our EBC services. We encourage you to reflect on the bible text and join us in the prayer that follows below.
Here are some questions to consider:
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIVUK)
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.
Mark 6:30-34 (NRSV)
The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves.
Prayer and Reflection:
God of peace, when we have been busy and are tired, help us to set aside time to rest and recover. Help us to understand the importance of caring for ourselves both physically and spiritually. Refresh us, O God, when we are asleep and when we are awake. Breathe fresh air into our lungs, train us to walk in the beauty of Your creation and restore our souls.
Questions to Consider
1. When you consider the areas of Recovery, Activity and Nourishment, which of those three components of fitness do you think is most important – or are they all important to get in a good balance?
2. Which is your best and which is your weakest area in terms of your physical wellbeing – recovery, activity or nourishment?
3. What about when it comes to your spiritual wellbeing? Are they the same strong and weak areas, or different ones?
4. What do you find brings you rest physically?
5. What do you find brings you rest spiritually?
6. How attentive are you to those things? What are your rhythms of rest and recovery? How do you set aside time daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally for your body and soul to recover properly?
7. When was the last time you felt really well rested – full of energy physically and spiritually? What ideas do you have to get your rest and recovery right this year?