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Blessed buffer

Ever heard of the “beatitudes”? Ever wondered what the word means? This spring at EBC, we sit with the disciples and the crowds following Jesus and listen to His teaching about the people God counts as blessed: Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, those who mourn? Really?!? What’s that all about then? Through this eight-week series, taking us right through April and May, we’ll learn together what the difference is between a notional kind of faith, and real, heartfelt discipleship. Join us as we discover what it is to be truly blessed.
Sunday 7th April: The Poor in Spirit - 9:30am and 11:00am
Do you ever have days when things just seem to go brilliantly, without your needing to try very hard? Do you have other days when everything goes horribly wrong and life seems incredibly tough? When Jesus talked abut various people being ‘blessed’ he didn’t just mean they were happy because things were going well! As we begin our series, we ask why Jesus singles out the ‘poor in spirit’ as those who would receive the Kingdom of heaven. What did he mean and why would that be? 
Sunday 14th April: Those Who Mourn - 9:30am and 11:00am
Aww… come on Jesus – blessed are those who mourn? Seriously? This is one of those very hard teachings that might 

seem totally bonkers to anyone who has ever been in a state of mourning. Has Jesus lost the plot with this one, or might there be more to it than seems obvious? Join us as we explore what it is to mourn, the things we might mourn over, and how God can comfort us.
Sunday 21st April: The Meek - 9:30am and 11:00am 
When you hear the word ‘meek’ what other words do you associate with it? Might they include timid, shy, weak even? In our modern society, we often equate success with outgoing, dynamic and self-confident types – the kind of person you might see on ‘The Apprentice’ or ‘Dragon’s Den’ while meek people can be portrayed as losers! Why, then, did Jesus say that the meek are blessed and that they would inherit the earth?
Sunday 28th April: Social Action Sunday - 9.30am (No Livestream)
“Those Who Hunger” 

This is one of our ‘SAS’ specials, where we gather briefly at our church building for prayer and sung worship before tackling a number of social action projects to benefit the local community and people in need overseas. This is a real, tangible outworking of our hunger and thirst for righteousness – a living out of the Gospel today!


Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click to see more

Planning your Visit

Chruch Gradient2

I am New 

Welcome from all of us at Easthampstead Baptist Church!

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about us. As you explore our website, we hope that you catch a broader glimpse of what EBC is all about. It's about people - people just like you - who want to embark on a journey to discover more of God and his will for our lives.

What should I expect on a Sunday Morning?

Sometimes going to a church for the first time can be a little daunting. I promise we won't bite! To help ease any uncertainties below are the answers to some common questions people have before attending a Sunday morning.
What do I have to wear?
We are a 'come as you are' sort of people and have no formal dress-code for our Sunday services.
We can assure you that we don't have bouncers on the door vetting your attire!

If you are still not sure, feel free to check out our services on YouTube to have an idea.
What time do I need to be there?
We run two Sunday morning services which start at 9:30am and 11:00am.
On the 4th Sunday of the month we run our All-sorts service which starts at 10:00am.

Check out our other services below!
We would recommend you turn up 10 minutes before the service starts so you have a chance to say hi!
If you have children that need signing in to the children and youth work, they need to be signed in from 10:50am.
There is plenty of parking both out the front and at the back of the building. Just follow the signs!
How safe is my child in your care?
We run separate children and youth work during our 11:00am service, which is run by a group of volunteers who have all been DBS checked.

Children ages 11 and under must be signed in and out by their parent/carer. The youth can sign themselves in and out.

For information about our safeguarding policy click here