Although we humans might think of ourselves as somehow spirit, mind and body, we are not so easily separated out – we are indeed embodied souls! The Bible promises a bodily resurrection and a new earth, rather than (as we tend to think) that we will become disembodied souls in some non-physical heaven. Jesus became incarnate – he was born as a baby, died as a man, and was resurrected in a new body… it would seem, then, that the body is important…
In this series we take a look at the Biblical idea that we should honour God with our body, why we should take that really seriously, and what happens when we don’t.
WEEK 1: Sunday 5th January, 10am: Embodied Pt.1 - “Recovery” (live-streamed)
As we reach the end of one year and look ahead to the new, are you tired out from the past 12 months, excited by the possibilities of the next, or maybe a bit of both? We begin our new series by exploring the importance of rest and recuperation for both body and soul.
WEEK 2: Sunday 12th January, 10am: Embodied Pt. 2 - “Activity” (live-streamed)
It’s often said that we need to “Use it or lose it!” So, how are you going about using – or abusing – your body and soul? Are you – and your body – fit for purpose? Wait a second, what even is your purpose… and are the steps you are currently taking moving you in that purposeful direction or are you drifting? This week we explore the idea of taking some steps (quite literally!) that will help you become fitter, healthier and happier – both in your physicality and your spirituality.
WEEK 3: Sunday 19th January, 10am: Embodied Pt. 3 - “Nourishment” (live-streamed)
Have you ever thought that how you are feeling might have some connection with how you are fueling? Most motorists know that for an engine to run well, it needs to have the right kind of fuel put into it – and that putting the wrong kind of fuel in can have serious consequences! How seriously do you take it when you’re at the fuel station? Do you check you’ve picked up the petrol or the diesel hose or just not pay much attention and kind of hope for the best? Today we explore why we need to be super careful about what we’re putting into our bodies and souls – because getting it wrong has serious consequences indeed…
WEEK 4: Sunday 26th January, 10am: Embodied Pt.4 – “Reward” (Allsorts- no live-stream)
If you had a choice to go through life physically and spiritually optimised, what might that look like to you – and wouldn’t you make that choice? This Sunday, we talk about what it would look and feel like to be at our best – for ourselves, our family and friends, our church and our nation! There might be some surprising ideas for us to think about!